Sunny Shores of Belmar, NJ

I decided to take an impromptu trip to Belmar, NJ which is along the shore around the central portion of the state near that little crook in its Atlantic side. In my many years in the tri-state area, I'd heard a lot about the place (and its neighboring towns), but never went. I figured with temps still too chilly for sun seekers and teenie boppers, it'd be best to check it out now. I would also be avoiding the crazy shore traffic all along the Garden State Parkway.
It's not a particularly large town so I easily explored its streets before taking a walk on the beach. There was a good breeze coming off the waters that gave the air a cold edge. Factored in with the salty surf drifting in and out of my Keens, I was starting to wish I had brought a little more warmth. This was all quickly forgotten as I scanned across the line of sand and water whose form was evolving before my eyes. A few hardy surfers enjoyed the exuberance of the ocean's energy, while lovers created their isolated worlds on a spot of sand. I had a quiet moment with the breaking waters and stolid rocks as I stole heat from the sun-warmed sand. I couldn't help but see the ocean as one giant being with a multitude of amoeba-like pseudopods that can just grab you like an impetuous child wanting to play yet unaware of the potential consequences. Reaching out to grab the ocean, I only found water and not my playmate.
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