Summer Sunset Bloom

filtered time
Nestled mountains. Deep woods. Dark skies. Foggy nights. Driving down the twisty, pitch-black roads of North Carolina, it's just you, the roar of your engine, the rumble of your tires, and the wind whipping through your hair. Stopping along the side of the road with the engine off, there's a comforting silence as you realize how secluded and far away you are from the bustling city life of the daily grind. As you listen more closely, it's not so silent as the insects restart their interrupted chitchat, and the startled animals go about their business once more.
Being on the outskirts of the Great Smoky Mountains, I felt blessed to have the opportunity to experience this fine landscape. As I rummaged about the side of the road in search of a geocache, I could distinctly feel the muggy night air clinging to my skin. Nevertheless, I was much relieved with the cooler night temperatures over the daytime 80's and hot sun. For safety reasons, I left my hazards blinking which became the only source of light in my immediate area until I brought out the flashlight to scope out the roadside stone wall. After finding the cache, I eyed the lights beyond the lake. Without a tripod, I made do with the car door to stabilize the camera. You would think that the glow of lights would be silent in the depths of such a black night, yet it was quite alive by the few workers out there at this old powerhouse. Due to the surrounding silence, their voices carried clear across the water hinting of nearby civilization.
A mysterious place of tangled forests and glowing beauty, yet readily accessible for anyone's enjoyment. I can only imagine how the region displays a different face of beauty when blanketed in winter's snows.